ThinWorld Citrix Knowledgebase

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Appsense EM Order of Execution

Appsense Environment Manager Logon rules intergrate with the windows logon process.
It is important to understand the order that this executes in order to deliver the correct settings and ensure a fast logon experience for users.

I got the following information on the EM Agent run order from a Appsense Technician.
Im not to sure about the last entry as if you are using EM with a Hybrid profile solution then WinLogon will know nothing about loading Network and Printer Mappings.
You will likely be performing these via a script kicked of by
Environment Manager - Importing the reg keys

Appsense EM Logon Order
WinLogon Starts EM Agent and run UserInit
EM Agent Starts an Agent Assist Session for the user
UserInit Load Group Policies (GPO)
UserInit Launches explorer.exe
WinLogon tells EM Agent that shell has started - EM Agent Assist runs EM actions
WinLogon restores Printer and Drive mappings - In Parallel with EM actions



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