ThinWorld Citrix Knowledgebase

Friday, 21 August 2009

Enable Pass Thru of User Credentials in ICA file

If you want to pass thru user credentials when using an ICA file to prevent a user being prompted to logon you need to ensure the following settings are made in 2 seperate files.

The ICA file requires the following entries

The users Appsrv.ini requires the following entries

Also check ICA setting for prompt for password using MFCFG.EXE

Note :
The Appsrv.ini file is deployed into the users profile on the first launch of a pass thru. Its deployed from ICA client install location (eg. C:\program files\Citrix\ICA xxxx) so modifying this version of the file will get it deployed to users. If users have already launched ICA client they will already have the file and be missing the entries, and you will need to perform some automated method of updating these users files (script etc..)


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