ThinWorld Citrix Knowledgebase

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Appsense Communications Agent Failed error 401

Appsense Communications Agent Failed error 401

To troubleshoot this you can turn on debugging of CCA. To Perform
Add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\AppSense Technologies\Communications Agent
Debugfile "C:\ccalog.txt" REG_SZ
DebugLevel "10" REG_DWORD

The CCA service needs a restart to pick up these settings.

The error in this case turned out to be downloads directory in IIS not having allow anonymous access ticked.

Later the problem came up again, I fixed by allowing anonymous on deployment downwards.

Permissions on the appsense IIS site need to be correct or you will get errors communication with agents, and thinks like events wont upload or new configs will not push out. I detail the correct permissions for the appsense site else where in my Knowledge base.
